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Senior Wellness Program🌺

This year, we've been looking to expand into our community and give back on a local level.


Our goal in reaching out to senior homes in our area, such as Revel Folsom and Oakmont El Dorado, is to collaborate in reaching communities that are sometimes overlooked.


While there's often significant attention given to promoting teen and adult mental health, we firmly believe that senior mental health is just as vital.


We see this collaboration as an opportunity to address the well-being of both generations, fostering understanding and support for mental health across the age spectrum.


By working together, we can make a positive impact on the mental health of both our HOSA members and our senior community members, promoting a holistic approach to wellness.

 ðŸŒºMental Health Resources🌺

One resident in particular resonated with our presentation the most; her story and advice were inspiring to us all, and gave us a lot to think about.

Here's some BTS footage from our presentation!


Some of our members practicing before the presentation


Our officers having fun :)


Our members leading the residents through a stretching routine.

Here's the BTS video of our officers creating personalized thank you cards for all the members!

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Here are the cards we made to pass out!

Stories from one resident in particular. Janice attended our first presentation as well!


 ðŸŒºOur Very First Visit: REVEL Folsom- December 02, 2023

Our very first presentation at Revel Folsom Senior Living was a HUGE success! Our members discussed Senior mental health with the residents as well as different methods to alleviate the stress and loneliness that can come with old age.


Reflection Exercises- Cognitive Acuity

As a part of our program, one of the factors to mental wellness that we stressed was cognitive acuity and the power of reflection.

Through this activity, we were extremely lucky to hear from some of the residents! We hear stories from a medic who served in the Vietnamese War, nurses, doctors, surgeons, mental health specialists, and others as well.


Feedback and Suggestions

We received a flood of positive feedback from the residents, as well as more suggestions for other activities we could incorporate. 
Our time at Revel Folsom was both inspiring and fun for our members; we can't wait until our next visit!


 ðŸŒºExpanding our Reach: OAKMONT El Dorado- January 27, 2024

Taking into account our experience  at REVEL Folsom, we reached out to another local Senior Living Center, hoping to expand our audience and spread our message further.


Presentation Content

Similar to our time at Revel Folsom, we defined mental wellness, the factors that affect senior mental wellness, and stressed the importance of healthy practices later in life. We focused on reflection, cognitive acuity, staying fit and healthy, and nutritional goals.

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🌺Revisiting! but with a different approach: OAKMONT Folsom- February 03, 2024

After our first presentation, we took into account the feedback and suggestions we had received and decided to focus on a couple of the factors we had outlined in our previous presentation. This time, we decided to try out a panel style discussion, where we spoke candidly and honestly with the residents at Oakmont.

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Lessons and Reflections

This was the first time we had ever tried an approach like this. It was quite a shift from our previous style of presentation, and it pushed us out of our comfort zone. However, seeing residents open up more and more as time went on was incredibly heartwarming, and we found a rhythm to our discussion session.


 ðŸŒºHeading back to our roots! : REVEL Folsom- February 17, 2024

After two months and gaining greater experience, we returned to Revel with a new presentation. Once again, we focused on a discussion-style setting and saw both new and familiar faces. Although we did not re-employ the same panel style interview, as we had a larger group of student volunteers, we found this style of presentation to be just as effective.

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Future Plans 

Although our program is currently only a two-part presentation, we don't intend to stop here. 

Our next steps include:

  • expanding our reach to MORE senior audiences

    • including both senior homes and possibly senior centers​

  • adding more presentations talking about the importance of nutrition, exercise, and other factors

  • scheduling more visits and connecting with more senior residents

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